Pelvic problems with deliveries by older women

On Behalf of | May 10, 2016 | Birth Injuries

Women in New Mexico and around the country may find that career goals, relationship concerns, and other issues cause them to delay starting families. In fact, the average age of a woman at the time of first giving birth has increased significantly over the past several decades. Those going through pregnancy at an advanced age could face higher risks of issues such as gestational diabetes, miscarriage and preeclampsia.

Both mothers and children could face serious health problems when maternal age is advanced. One of the particular risks for women whose first delivery experiences occur at an advanced age is pelvic floor dysfunction, a condition in which damage to the pelvic floor could occur. Research does not clearly provide understanding of the factors resulting in this type of damage. However, the impact of such damage can be life-changing. For example, many women deal with incontinence after childbirth at an advanced age. Others deal with prolapse of pelvic organs, which could later require reconstructive surgery.

Forceps delivery appears to be associated with a greater potential for various types of pelvic damage. Vacuum delivery has been associated with an increased risk of anal sphincter difficulties. Delivery room errors with such equipment could affect the mother or the child, and in some cases both, making it important for health care providers to be vigilant in these types of delivery methods. In some cases, these approaches to delivery could be warranted to avoid more serious outcomes for one or both patients. However, inappropriate use of these approaches could lead to permanent physical complications for either the mother or the child.

A patient could deal with injuries after childbirth for various reasons, and not all such situations are examples of medical malpractice. However, a concerned mother might want to meet with an attorney to discuss the matter if there is a belief that a medical provider negligently caused such harm.


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