Risk factors for patient harm in emergency rooms

On Behalf of | Nov 9, 2019 | Hospital Negligence

Emergency room care depends largely on the doctors who work in the department. The problem is that they don’t always provide the care that the patient needs to avoid suffering more harm. There are several reasons for this, but each of these is manageable if the hospital puts proper protocols in place to keep their patients safe.

The number of hours these doctors work is one of the primary hazards to patients. As a doctor works through the hours on long shifts, they become more fatigued. This can lead to errors in judgment, which can negatively impact patient care.

Another risk factor for patients is shift changes. When their care is moved from one shift of nurses to another, there is a chance that something will be missed. This might be something that could help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis or that has to do with the way a patient is responding to treatments. There is also a chance that the oncoming nurse will be a bit laxer than they should when evaluating the patient’s symptoms.

Emergency room physicians must also ensure they have informed consent before they perform any procedures. This is sometimes difficult because some patients might not be able to provide it, but the doctors must be aware of the proper ways to handle these types of situations.

When you don’t receive the care that you need in the emergency department, you might opt to seek compensation for the damages you suffer. This can help you cover medical bills, lost wages and other costs attributable to the issues with the substandard care you received in the emergency department.


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