What are brachial plexus injuries?

On Behalf of | Jun 5, 2020 | Birth Injuries

During the labor and delivery process, some children in New Mexico might suffer brachial plexus injuries. These injuries may cause ongoing problems and require surgical repairs and nerve transfers, depending on the type. The brachial plexus is a group of nerves that control feeling and muscle movements in the upper limbs.

Types of brachial plexus injuries

Several types of brachial plexus injuries can happen during labor and delivery, including the following:

• Stretch injuries
• Ruptured nerves
• Avulsions
• Neuromas

Stretch injuries to nerves in the brachial plexus are the most common type. These injuries involve stretched nerves that are not torn. Ruptured nerves are tears in the nerve at locations away from the root. Avulsions occur when the nerve is torn from its root. Finally, neuromas occur when scar tissue forms as the nerve tries to heal. The scar tissue can press down on the nerve and interfere with its ability to properly function.

Treatment of brachial plexus injuries

The type of treatment that might be needed for brachial plexus injuries will depend on which type of injury has occurred. While stretch injuries may heal on their own over a few months, Nerve ruptures will require surgery. Avulsions may require nerve reconstruction and nerve transfers to try to repair the damaged area. Neuromas might require surgery to remove the scar tissue so that the nerves can regain their functions.

Some brachial plexus injuries are caused by the medical negligence of doctors and labor and delivery nurses. Parents who believe that their children’s brachial plexus injuries may have happened because of medical negligence may want to talk to experienced birth injury and medical malpractice attorneys. The lawyers might review the medical records to determine whether the claims have legal merits. If they agree to accept a case, the lawyers may work to recover compensation for their clients to pay for their losses.


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