We recently discussed some of the reasons why a newborn might have a brain injury. One of the reasons is that the child’s brain didn’t receive enough oxygen during the labor and delivery process. This can lead to a condition known as cerebral hypoxia, which can cause long-term problems for the child.
Many pregnant women don’t really like the fetal monitor that hospitals and birth centers attach to them; however, these monitors provide a vital look into what is going on with the baby during the strenuous process. We understand that you might not think this is comfortable, but think about what you want for your baby.
There are times when doctors, nurses and midwifes might not pay close attention to the monitor. This is a huge mistake because the change in the baby’s status might come quickly. It doesn’t take very long without oxygen before the brain will feel the effects.
When a decline in the fetal heart rate is found, swift action is needed. This might include giving the mother oxygen, changing her position or taking her for a ceserean section delivery. Any hesitation in getting the plan moving forward can cause global brain damage to the baby. This can mean anything from thinking difficulties and loss of gross motor skills like walking to being paralyzed and having seizures.
This is a hard position for a parent to be placed in. Seeking compensation for the injury likely won’t help the baby’s condition, but it can help you to get the child the care he or she will need to manage the condition.