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Evaluating The Circumstances Of A Delivery

Was an emergency C-section performed? Was it needed? Why wasn’t it done?

These are questions parents ask when a baby is born with brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen during birth or when a baby suffers physical injury because of being forcibly pulled from the birth canal. At , an Albuquerque emergency C-section lawyer can help find the solutions for your medical malpractice concerns.

Fetal Monitors Can Detect Tachycardia And Heart Deceleration

Fetal monitors are an important tool in assuring doctors that a fetus is progressing well in the birthing process. But when the fetal monitor shows a deceleration of the heart rate or a prolonged fast heart rate (fetal tachycardia), the doctor needs to take the appropriate actions to address a birthing complication.

Emergency C-sections cost more than vaginal deliveries, but that is not a good reason for placing a baby at risk. Failure to do a C-section (cesarean) or a delayed C-section can cost a baby a lifetime of severe brain damage because of cerebral hypoxia.

A baby should not be without oxygen for any period of time. Did the doctor act appropriately? There are accepted standards of care in the medical community. When a doctor fails to read the fetal monitor and take steps to protect a baby from injury, that is medical malpractice. Signs of fetal distress can also indicate that the baby is too large for the birth canal or badly positioned for a safe delivery.

Contact Us To Discuss Your Case

At in Albuquerque, our medical malpractice attorneys know how to review medical records and use this data to support a birth injury claim. We consult with experts to determine what happened and why. Contact today to learn more about how we can help you.