Timing Is Critical For Cancer Diagnosis
Whatever the reason for a failure to diagnose cancer, the result is often catastrophic.
Untreated cancer — from a failure to diagnose cancer or a delayed diagnosis — can allow the cancer to grow and become difficult or even impossible to treat. At The Law Office of Salazar, Sullivan & Jasionowski, an Albuquerque failure to diagnose cancer attorney can review the medical records and help you and your family get the answers you need for a negligent act.
A Missed Diagnosis Allows Cancer To Progress
No matter what the type of cancer, failure to diagnose, a delayed diagnosis or a misdiagnosis can mean valuable time is lost in the treatment of the disease — time that can mean the difference between life and death.
As time passes, cancer can reach an advanced stage, and the patient can have fewer treatment options. The earlier treatment begins, the better the patient’s chance of a good result.
A failure to diagnose cancer may have occurred because of not noticing clinical symptoms or misreading a mammogram or X-ray. Records may have been lost by a lab or in the doctor’s office. It is astonishing to realize how paperwork errors can endanger lives.
Even when a doctor has all the necessary data, a failure to respond appropriately can put a patient’s health and life at risk.
Contact Us For Clarity About Your Case
At The Law Office of Salazar, Sullivan & Jasionowski, our medical malpractice lawyers can review the facts and check them against accepted medical standards. If medical malpractice was involved, we have the experience and resources to take the case to trial. Contact The Law Office of Salazar, Sullivan & Jasionowski today to learn more about how we can help you.