Negligent Care During Pregnancy Can Have Serious Consequences
The care a woman receives during her pregnancy can affect her health and the health of her fetus. The obstetrician needs to monitor a woman’s condition throughout pregnancy so that any pregnancy complications can be dealt with quickly and appropriately.
When pregnancy complications are not diagnosed and treated, when they cause serious injury to the mother or baby, call The Law Office of Salazar, Sullivan & Jasionowski. Discuss the situation with an experienced Albuquerque pregnancy complications lawyer.
Proper Management Of Pregnancy Complications
It is an obstetrician’s responsibility to monitor patients, notice any red flags that would indicate pregnancy complications, and take the appropriate steps to keep a complication from causing serious injury or death to the mother or baby.
If a woman has gestational diabetes, for example, her own health may be at risk and the fetus may grow too big in the womb, distressing the fetus. That can increase the risk of birth defects and complicate the birth process.
Our law firm concentrates almost exclusively on medical malpractice matters. Our attorneys understand the medical science of pregnancy complications as well as recommended testing procedures that are sometimes done improperly or not at all. Our attorneys take on pregnancy complication cases due to:
- Gestational diabetes
- Pre-eclampsia
- Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH)
- Group B streptococcus (Group B strep)
- Misread ultrasounds
- Genetic testing
- Mistakes in amniocentesis
Contact Our Firm To Learn Your Options
The failure to do tests (for example, when genetic testing is recommended or when a woman’s symptoms indicate a test is needed) can place a woman and her unborn fetus in a dangerous, life-threatening situation. If that has happened to you or someone in your family, contact The Law Office of Salazar, Sullivan & Jasionowski today to learn more about how our medical malpractice attorneys can help you.