For most employees in New Mexico, collaborating with colleagues helps to improve your productivity and reduces errors. However, in most hospitals there is no forum for staff members to tell their peers about mistakes they've made. Working together to solve problems...
Surgical robots under FDA investigation
Many hospitals in New Mexico rely on high-tech equipment to save and improve the lives of their patients. Unfortunately, sometimes the technology fails to live up to its expectations, and the hospital could face accusations of hospital negligence as a result. Most...
New database could eliminate some hospital errors
When patients in New Mexico fall victim to hospital errors, they often want the hospital to admit its mistakes and work to correct the problem. Recording and correcting problems that lead to hospital negligence benefits both patients and hospitals that want to avoid...
Studies show shorter resident shifts lead to more mistakes
Sleep-deprivation, in any line of work, usually causes people to make mistakes. In the medical field, where the lives of patients in Albuquerque are at stake, these errors can cause harm or even death. For this reason, hospitals have tested new methods of preventing...