Many people don't realize just how much having a difficult birth can impact the mother. This is a time that should be joyous; however, when you are having to deal with an injury to your newest family member, this isn't going to be so happy. These women often deal with...
How does a misdiagnosed heart attack lead to brain damage?
Chest pain can be scary, especially as you get older. Most people equate it with having a heart attack, and it is one of the possible signs, along with pain in the jaw and pain, numbness or tingling in the left arm. At least that's how Hollywood most often depicts a...
Appendicitis is life-threatening if not diagnosed promptly
Appendicitis is a serious medical condition that is caused by the inflammation of the appendix. If it is left without appropriate treatment, which is likely going to include surgical removal, there is a chance that it will swell until it bursts. This can lead to...
Weight control is crucial for traumatic brain injury survivors
People who have suffered from head injuries have a host of things that they have to worry about. According to a new study that was published in the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, obesity is now a concern for these individuals. It found that people who are...
Doctors who make errors can harm or kill patients
We trust doctors with our health each time we seek out medical care. We don't expect that they will be perfect but we don't ever want them to make an error that can put us in danger. When a doctor does make an error, there is a chance that it can be easily corrected...