People in New Mexico that have suffered a brain injury may be interested to learn about recent research that shows a new experimental medicine may help reverse some brain damage by restoring damaged structures. The ongoing research is being funded by the National...
Maternal mortality rates increasing
People in New Mexico may be shocked to learn that unlike other western countries, the U.S. has demonstrated an increasing rate of women dying due to pregnancy-related complications. Reportedly, in the 10-year period between 2003 and 2013, the U.S. was among the only...
Why some children recover faster after brain injury
Traumatic brain injuries happen every year to children in New Mexico and across the United States. Some children seem to bounce back quickly after such an injury while others take years to recover. A recent study conducted by UCLA and USC researchers suggests that the...
The risks of robotic surgery
New Mexico doctors who are engaged in surgical procedures involving robotic assistance may be interested in a study recently conducted by researchers from MIT, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana and Rush Medical Center. After analyzing over 10,000 incident...
Misdiagnosis of common health conditions
Many people in New Mexico suffer from certain common health conditions that doctors routinely misdiagnose. When this occurs, patients may be injured either by receiving medication and treatment which they do not need or by not receiving treatment for the condition,...
Doctor sentenced to 45 years for scamming patients
New Mexico patients may be alarmed to learn that on July 10, a Michigan doctor was sentenced to what could be life in prison for malpractice. According to the report, he was convicted for inflicting painful cancer treatments on a number of patients, many of whom did...
Why Lyme disease is often misdiagnosed in New Mexico
According to a recently-published study, Lyme disease is often misdiagnosed or not recognized in a patient. Of 6,104 patients who took part in a survey conducted by an advocacy website, 61 percent said it took two years or more to receive a correct diagnosis. Roughly...
Working to eliminate medical error
New Mexico residents may know that medical mistakes happen. The leading cause of such errors involves a misdiagnosis, which occurs less often in hospitals than in doctor's offices. Despite the lower number of misdiagnosed hospital cases, such events may have more...
COPD guidelines cause certain patients to be misdiagnosed
According to a new study, the current guidelines for diagnosing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are causing patients to be misdiagnosed in New Mexico and worldwide. The recently-published study calls for the guidelines to be modified. The authors of the study...
Important questions to avoid prescription medication errors
People in New Mexico who are prescribed medication need to bear in mind that serious consequences can occur if there is a mistake made by the doctor or pharmacist. To avoid this, there are important questions that patients need to have answered prior to taking their...