If your newborn has a cone-shaped head or swelling beneath his or her scalp, doctors may have given you a hard-to-understand diagnosis: caput succedaneum. According to Stanford Medicine, this medical term, which is Latin, simply means your infant has localized...
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What is newborn cephalohematoma?
The last thing parents want is for their newborn to suffer a birth injury. Unfortunately, birth injuries can result from defects, accidental trauma or medical malpractice. Newborn cephalohematoma is just one of the many risks associated with birth. What is it? Newborn...
3 of the most common infections among nursing home residents
Perhaps your elderly mother is living in a nursing home. She has some mobility issues but is healthy overall. Recently, there was an infection outbreak and your mother’s well-being is a concern to you. Here are three of the most common infections in nursing homes...