Parents who know their children need medical care will take them to the doctor. When the situation isn't something that can wait for an appointment, they visit the emergency room. They expect that their child can get proper care there, but this isn't always the case....
Informed consent is a must in medical situations
When you are seeing a doctor or are a patient in a hospital, you have the right to make decisions about your case. You must have all the pertinent information so that you can do this. Unfortunately, some doctors become so rushed that they forget about informed consent...
Preoperative protocol can prevent wrong-site surgeries
No patient should ever experience a wrong-site surgery. There are too many options for medical teams to prevent this type of never event; however, workers don't always follow safety guidelines. One primary control method for this situation is for workers to slow down....
Doctors not paying attention can lead to patient harm
The health care system in this country is largely broken. Not only is it cost-prohibitive to many, but some doctors just aren't attentive. Instead of taking the time to listen to their patients, many doctors will try to rush through as many patients as they can within...
When are C-sections medically necessary?
You might have heard a story or two about doctors scheduling C-sections for unnecessary reasons. Perhaps a woman wants to make sure she can have her baby before a planned vacation or the doctor is going out of town and schedules a birth accordingly. Even so, there are...