The mother of a Miami woman who suffered brain damage during plastic surgery is speaking out to warn others about the potential dangers of elective procedures. Her story is a reminder that people in New Mexico and nationwide should always check the performance record of their plastic surgeon before undergoing a cosmetic procedure.
According to the mother, her 18-year-old daughter elected to have breast augmentation surgery three years ago. During the procedure, which was performed at Coral Gables Cosmetic Center in Miami, her daughter’s heart rate and blood pressure plummeted. The doctor attempted to resuscitate her, but she suffered brain damage. Her family says she is now permanently disabled, unable to stand for more than a few seconds and able to speak only a few words.
The victim’s family filed a lawsuit against the doctor, alleging that he failed to provide enough oxygen to the victim while attempting to resuscitate her. As part of a settlement, he agreed to pay a $10,000 fine and complete 15 hours of continuing medical education. In 2006, he was also convicted of illegally selling pills online and served a short time in jail. He was allowed to keep his medical license in both cases. Meanwhile, the victim’s mother is urging others considering elective plastic surgery to “accept” themselves as they are and forego unnecessary medical procedures.
Surgical errors can occur in a number of different ways, including wrong-site procedures, organ punctures and anesthesia errors. New Mexico patients who have been harmed by a medical error could learn about their legal options by speaking with an attorney. In some cases, legal counsel may recommend filing a medical malpractice lawsuit to recover damages.
Source: Science World Report, “Plastic Surgery May Lead To Brain Damage,” May 29, 2016