You suffered because an operation went wrong; the doctor and anesthesiologist made mistakes that cut off the oxygen that should have been going to your brain. Now, you have a brain injury.
You believe that you’re fortunate you’re alive, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t pursue a claim against the people who caused your injuries. Medical mistakes may not be reparable, and your brain injury may never heal completely. It’s because of that fact that it’s important you get the compensation you need to support yourself and to get the treatments you need to recover as much as possible.
When you suffer a brain injury, you could have a number of different symptoms that range from memory loss to being unable to walk or speak. Your injury will be measured on the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), which helps show how serious your brain injury is. Those with significant injuries who are comatose typically score 3 or lower, while those who are fully conscious score 15. Your initial GCS score shows how seriously you were hurt initially, and scores following that show your rate of recovery.
You should keep information on your GCS scores as well as any computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance image (MRI) tests you have had performed. The information on those tests and from those scores can help make a significant difference in settlement offers or a judge’s or jury’s decision if your case goes to trial.
When your case is presented, it’s vital that the severity of your injury is obvious to the court. With the right evidence, you can seek a fair amount of compensation for what you’ve been put through.
Source: Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center, “Understanding TBI: Part 1 – What happens to the brain during injury and the early stages of recovery from TBI?,” Thomas Novack, PhD, accessed May 10, 2017